
I want the new country! Denmark's ending!

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I want the new country Denmark's ending!

The little (Eye Colour)ed girl walked up to Denmark and tugged on his pants.

"Hey!" (Country Name) chirped up at Denmark. Denmark smiled. "I knew you'd pick me."

Norway sighed "Stupid Dane."

"Hey! Denmark! Can I play with you?" (Country Name) smiled brightly.

Denmark looked at the lego tower he was trying to build.

If he said yes she'd mess it up. If he said no, (Country Name) would cry and he would get in trouble.

Meh, getting yelled at isn't that bad.

"No! You aren't old enough yet!" (Country Name)'s lip wobbled.

"I'll just go play with Sealand. He won't be mean to me!" (Country Name) huffed and walked away like a diva.

(Country Name) knocked on Sealand's bedroom. Sealand popped his head out and smiled. "Hello, (Country Name)! Denmark not letting you play again?" (Country Name) sadly nodded her head.

"I hope he steps on one of those dang legos!" Sealand's face filled with shock.

"No no no! (Country Name)! Stepping on legs is the worst thing ever! Just because he's being a total jerk doesn't mean you curse him with stepping on legos!"

(Country Name) didn't dislike Denmark. Sometimes he was just a grumpy old fart.

"Hmm, maybe he should just walk into a couple of doors?" (Country Name) looked up at Sealand. "That's sounds good!"

"No! Norway I can't stand at the back! I'm the star!" Today the Nordics (and [Country Name]) were going Christmas caroling! "Denmark you're too tall to stay in the front!"

Denmark looked down at (Country Name) pleadingly. "You think I should be in the front right, (Country Name)?"

(Country Name) was busy tying Denmark's shoe laces together to care about pretty much anything.
"Yeah sure whatever."

Denmark put his hands on her hips and smirked. "See!"

He began to do a small mini dance of joy. He then moved his leg out and tripped over.

"Ouch! Wha- (Country Name)! You don't tie your amazing big brothers shoe laces together!"

(Country Name) hid her smirk by pouting and saying "Are you mad at me big brother?"

Denmark couldn't yell at his little sister! That's to mean! Plus chicks dig it when guys have good relationships with kids.

"Ah, no! Just don't do it again kiddo! Heh heh." Denmark stood up and brushed some dirt off his pants and tied his laces correctly. "Let's go!"

After a few hours of joy full Christmas songs it was home time. "That was so fun, big brother!" (Country Name) cuddled into her blankets.

"You bet it was. Two sleeps 'till Christmas! Isn't that exciting?"

(Country Name) giggled. "Yes! So exciting! I want a donkey!"

Denmark stared at her. "A donkey? Why not a pony or a doll?" (Country Name) face-plamed. Her big brother was so silly! "Not everyone wants ponies and dolls! I want donkeys and pizza!"

(Country Name) was a strange little girl, but that's why Denmark loves her!
Denmark's ending done! Woop woop! Kinda short though. Please forgive me Reader-chan!
I wrote it in like 10 minutes.
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